Herb Seasonings, Sea Salts, Rubs & Pepper Blends
Handcrafted in small batches in Vancouver, British Columbia
Featured Product
12 yr old Balsamic Vinegar
$15.00 CAD
Balsamic vinegar solera methode. Available in 100ml, 200 ml and 375ml bottles.
Unfortunately, we are not able to ship this product.
PICK UP ONLY at Farmers' Markets. See a list of Farmers' Markets we are at in 2021.
**At checkout, include the Farmers' Market location where you would like to pick up your product.
You are invited!
I have always loved to cook for my friends but with COVID it has been very difficult. So I'm going to make a few videos! It would give me great pleasure if you would join me in my kitchen where together we can make amazing food and share our passion for flavour.
Sign up below and I will let you know as soon as I have my first video ready. I hope to see you soon!
How I Source Products
I loved to travel, pre-COVID days, seeking out new products and developing herb and spice blends made with quality products that were ethically sourced.
Curated and Handmade
I still make all of my products by hand in small batches to create unique blends that celebrate seasonal flavours and deliver unmatched quality.